Do you love your job? 3 Minutes Reading to Finally Discover it

This guy again…? I like it…!


Wait a second….why you are talking about Financial Independence …quitting my job…never!

Ok fair enough…I am, pretty sure you don’t love your job so much…or more precisely I think I am sure at 90%

Asking a simple question I can discover it…


The only question you need to answer to understand.

Would you stay in your current job if 20M$ just fall on your lap right now?

Think about it…deeply and honestly for 60 seconds…

Would you retire ? or keep doing the same job day in day out?

I personally love my job…with 20$M I might decide to do it for free (or almost) part-time and as freelance  (thus removing any kind of obligations).

Conversely if you would run away from your job only due to the money you are in trouble.

Working represents 60% (even more) of your waking time and 90% of your thinking time.

8 hours sleeping – 9 hours working – 1-2 hours getting ready and commuting to/from your job
What’s left? 5-6 hours where you will likely relax from the stress of your job?

It makes no sense.

Especially in these years where the opportunities of picking up a job that might excite you abundant thanks to internet or the globalization.

So what? Put the work on it…

You might be a digital nomad, move to another country to cover a position where your skills or knowledge of the market are needed (think about USA or European companies with branches in Asia for examples), be a blogger, going in the digital music, video industry and other tons of jobs.

The stereotype of 9-5 until 65 white collar in a office is not the mainstream anymore and less and less for the blue collar as well.
You can pick a job that you really love, more than ever.

But (and this is a huge BUT) you must put the work into it.

You must be obsessed by it.

You must think bigger than having as unique goals to buy a house and a car ten times more expensive than what you really need just to keep up with the Joneses.

Waking up in the morning ready to jump from the bed just to do it.

Otherwise winning those 20M$ is the only option and let me tell you that the chances are pretty slim.

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