
First thing first

First thing first..about me: am I happy?: Yes

Did I reach the 5 Goals (WMJHH): ? Yes

Was I always happy?: No

Can YOU be happy and reach too the 5 Goals (WMJHH):  Yes

Do I have the authority ?

It’s important to me to stress these points because without this criteria I don’t have the authority to write or show anything.
As of today on the web everyone seems either billionaire or a victim of everything…no more space for normal people, long term vision, work and happiness.

I am a normal person who works hard in every aspects of his life and I am happy. Period.

  • I lived (and living) in different dream places (WHERE): close to spectacular beaches, among the best mountains in the world, in art cities, in Capitals, in three different continents, speaking six different languages.
  • I am financial Independent (MONEY): primarily not having cumulated incredible amounts of money but having designed a life where I really need small amount of money. And if I really crave a Lamborghini I can still rent it for a couple of day (BTW never done it  before…:-)) .
  • I escaped the sad (and luckly very short) 9-5 cubicle decades ago (JOB), doing  a dynamic and interesting job (yes there are if you work hard looking for it).
  • I do several endurance sports (HEALTH) , eat healthy and (what’s most important) craving it.
  • I said several NO to sad places, relationships, jobs, situation to be…well…(HAPPY)…


What about you?